Ultimately, I envision a world where everyone can meaningfully participate in STEM fields, collaborating to develop technological solutions for society's most pressing challenges.
For over 20 years, I have designed and studied sociotechnical systems that enhance how people, technology, and social structures interact to support success in STEM fields.
My approach focuses on empowering communities through participatory technology development while building supportive infrastructure and programs and technologies that create enabling environments for learners to thrive in STEM.
Programs & Curricula

Beyond the Looking
Beyond the looking is a workshop that explores emotion, identity, and community through programming, storytelling, and perspective-taking activities.
Technology Development

Making Computing Concepts Accesible
We pioneered the development of a program blending dance choreography, computer programming, and a virtual environment (VENVI) to teach computational thinking and broadening pathways for more diverse students. We investigated how students creating dance performances for virtual characters utilize embodied ways of thinking to engage with computational concepts, practices, and perspectives
Fundamental Understanding of Emotion
DEEP Design's NSF Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project created FUSE, a multiplayer augmented reality gaming app that immerses middle school students in activities designed to build the skills that can address the interpersonal challenges they face.

Desktop Software with physiology-based visualization for teacher understanding of classroom interactions.
Affect as Index
How can we learn about the emotions of others? How can we come to understand people who are different than us?
This tool takes group physiological data as input, aggregates it across different demographic dimensions, and attaches them to media content. Users can review videotaped or prerecorded events by clicking on points of interest to discuss emotion.

Girls Involved in Real Life Sharing
In this research, a proactive emotional health system, geared toward supporting emotional self-awareness and empathy, was built as a part of a long-term research plan for understanding the role digital technology can play in helping people to reflect on their beliefs, attitudes, and values. The system, utilizes machine learning technology to support active reflection on emotion.
INNERactive Journal
The purpose of the INNERactive Journal system is to provide a way for users to reconstruct their emotions around events in their lives, and to see how recall of these events affects their physiology. Expressive writing, a task in which the participant is asked to write about extremely emotional events, is presented as a means towards story construction. In this system, measures of skin conductivity, instantaneous heart rate, and heart stress entropy are used as indicators of activities occurring in the body. Users have the ability to view these signals after taking part in an expressive writing task.